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BIOMASP+ is a multidiscplinary project gathering atmospheric chemists, meteorologists, botanists, biologists and ecophysiologists from Brazil and France

Coordinators : Adalgiza FORNARO (Brazil) & Agnès BORBON (France)


Agnès - Agnès


Agnès BORBON, Scientist @CNRS - Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique
Clermont-Ferrand, France

Agnès has been studying atmospheric chemistry since her PhD defended in 2002. She is investigating the emissions and fate of gaseous organic compounds in the multiphasic atmosphere. Her work is mostly based on observations at the ground and on-board research aircraft.

She is coordinating BIOMASP+ from the French side. The idea of BIOMASP came from her first visit at Univerity of São Paulo in 2017 : despite a strong human fingerprint in MASP the presence of green areas and urban forest and how they mix with urban pollution excited her curiosity. During the field experimental efforts she will be at the Reserva Morro Grande site


Adalgiza FORNARO, Associate Professor
Dept. Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo
São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Adalgiza did her postdoctoral internship within the scope of the FAPESP thematic project "Meteorology and Air Pollution", between 1999 and 2001. Since 2022, she has been Professor in the Meteorology course, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, acting as professor of Atmospheric Chemistry for both undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of São Paulo. She has been dedicated to researching hydrocarbons (C2-C10) in the atmosphere of the megacity of São Paulo, focusing on understanding the emission of these compounds, atmospheric reactivity and the production of secondary pollutants.

From 2017 onwards, special attention has been dedicated to the study of isoprene in remnant environments of the Atlantic Forest, the Morro Grande Reserve, CIENTEC Park and Matão-USP in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, which was the beginning of the elaboration of the BIOMASP project with Drs. Agnes Borbon and Silvia Ribeiro de Souza. She is coordinating BIOMASP+ from the Brazilian side.

Adalgiza - Adalgiza